My Babiest Girl...

This child...

When I look at her, I feel healing. I was pregnant for her when I learned I would lose my mother in 3 months. It was this baby growing inside that gave me all the strength and comfort I needed. When I learned I had lost our baby, Gabriel, my first thought was getting home to hold my sweet baby girl. When I learned we would lose our home, she snuggled me, and said. "Mommy, Wherever You Are Is My Home." She has been my smile on every cloudy day, and reminded me to... celebrate all the moments, big and small.
Of all my children, she "looks" the most vulnerable. But, boy, oh boy, looks could not be more deceiving. This girl jumps in head first, and is the first to try anything new. She makes 10 new best friends within moments of entering any room. She is smart, strong, and confident. She is our party girl. But, she is also deeply sensitive, generous, and appreciative. 

Where did 10 years go? She is growing up too fast for my heart to catch up to her. But I hope she knows, it's always hers.
